Want to see our films and meet our group? Well here’s where you can do that.
10/19/24 – Group 312 Films – 2024 Annual Report
Group 312 Films is excited to announce the return of our Annual Report screening at Chicago Filmmakers. This screening will present some of our favorite videos from the past couple of years. We have an extremely good line-up this year. Most interestingly, this line-up contains our most story-based work in years. This year we have stories of haunted mirrors, malevolent aliens, comically dysfunctional technology, and cursed cell phones.
For those interested in the group, this is a great opportunity to see some of our best material presented in a great theater. All the group members will be in attendance, so there will be an opportunity to ask questions and learn about our process.
The event is free to all. Though we do hope all attendees will make a donation to Chicago Filmmakers. They’re a great organization who do a lot of support Chicago independent cinema.
And there will be an after show gathering where we can all celebrate our accomplishments, talk informally, swap gossip, and possibly drink way too much.
More information to come as we assemble the program and publicity materials.
Chicago Filmmakers
1326 W Hollywood Ave · Chicago, IL
October 19, 2024 – Starts at 7PM
06/21/24-06/28/24 – GROUP 312 FILMS Goes to Germany
GROUP 312 FILMS is extremely excited to announce that we will be participating in The Ocean Between VII in Hannover, Germany in June.
We will be presenting 3 separate programs showing off some of our favorite over the past 15 years. This will include over 40 short films in all from members old and new.
06/21/24 – An Intimate Night with Group 312 Films
This newly curated program consists of a combination of favorite films from the past 15 years. For this particular program, we tried to highlight several films that we truly love but that don’t get shown that often. As usual with the “Intimate Night…” programs, this program shows off the depth and width (and maybe even the height) of many of the artists that have collaborated with the Group over the years.
Every short video was created within one month and inspired by a group nominated theme. Every artist is free to interpret the theme however they wish. Shorts range from whimsical to confrontational to confusing. Some are traditional narratives, and some are completely abstract experiments. The variety of interpretations and explorations is part of the fun. We hope that you find these films to be both entertaining and inspiring.
06/28/24 – Stories & Abstractions – Short Videos by Richard Syska and Kevin B. Chatham
This program will focus on the work of two of the leading members of Group 312, Richard Syska and Kevin B. Chatham.
This collection of short videos by Richard Syska and Kevin B. Chatham presents some of their favorite videos from the past decade. These two artists work independently as the leading members of the Chicago-based video collective GROUP 312 FILMS. Almost every single month they both make a short video inspired by the Group’s nominated theme. Together the two have been the driving force for the Group over the past 15 years. And they have fostered and supported the work of over 30 other video artists throughout the years.
Usually, their work appears in the context of the Group’s annual screenings. But, this particular and unique program will allow the two artists to stand on their own and showcase the diversity, creativity, and growth they have shown over the years.
An Intimate Night with GROUP 312 FILMS – March 23, 2024 – 7PM

Group 312 Films is honored to be making a presentation at the Sweet Void Cinema. This program will include several of our favorite videos spanning the group’s history as well as some discussion about how we work. Several of the group members will be in attendance and will gladly (and probably loudly) be talking about their creative process and inspiration.
If you are curious about joining the group or just wondering what it is we do, this is a great opportunity to see some of our favorite videos and meet the members.
March 23 at 7PM
Sweet Void Cinema – 3036 W. Chicago Ave 1W
The entrance to the theater is on the west side of the building in the alley
Admission: FREE!
See the link below for additional details.
We hope to see you there.
2023 Annual Report – AUGUST 26, 2023 7PM

Chicago Filmmakers – 1326 W Hollywood Ave – Chicago, IL
Group 312 Films is proud to announce our latest “Best of” screening, The 2023 Annual Report. This program presents some of the best work from group members over the past year. Short films range from comedic to thrillers to experimental and show off the talent and versatility of our members. If you are interested in innovative short films, this is a great way to see some great work. And if you are curious about joining our group, this is a great way to meet some members.
To get more info, visit: https://chicagofilmmakers.org/upcoming-screenings-and-events/2023group312
Contact Us
If you would like to learn more, have questions, or would like to attend the next meeting, please contact us to be added to our email list. Thank you for your interest.
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